Due Process
By Dr. Brian Simmons

Photo by Elena Mozhvilo on Unsplash
To give someone their due is to give what justice demands. Simply put, it is to treat someone fairly. Steward leaders love and serve God by living and serving others.
“He has shown you, O man, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God”. (Micah 6:8)
Due process is crucial to effective organizations because it ensures fairness, transparency, and consistency in decision-making. By providing clear procedures for handling disputes, grievances, and disciplinary actions, due process helps protect employees’ rights, fosters trust, and mitigates the risk of legal challenges. Employers and employees are commanded to love and unity by God especially in the context of Christian organizations. Without due process, organizational leaders are not held accountable for sinful actions affecting those they lead. They should not be allowed to do whatever they want with no communication and no oversight. Without due process, individuals within an organization are treated unjustly, leading to a negative and unproductive work environment.
When due process is not followed, a toxic culture will develop and grow. A toxic culture in an organization refers to an environment where negative behaviors, attitudes, and practices are prevalent, undermining employee well-being and organizational performance. Characteristics of a toxic culture include:
- Poor Communication: Lack of transparency, miscommunication, and unclear expectations. Key leaders are allowed to treat people poorly and even dismiss employees with no explanation
- Lack of Trust: over time, employees realize they cannot rely on organizational leaders to do what’s right, just and fair.
- Favoritism or Nepotism: Unfair treatment based on personal relationships rather than merit ie children of key leaders are hired at high salaries for low level job
- Lack of Recognition: Employees’ efforts and accomplishments are ignored or undervalued.
This type of culture can lead to low employee morale, high turnover, decreased productivity, and even reputational damage. Creating a positive, supportive culture is essential for retaining talent and driving long-term success.