A Heartfelt Invitation

By Dr. Scott Rodin    

How you can help grow our ministry and spread our message

Let me start this blog by saying “Thank you!”

You have been faithful blog followers, book purchasers and seminar/training participants. You are reading this blog because you are on one of the people who have demonstrated in tangible ways that you care about this ministry and support the work we do. I pray you are blessed by what you are reading.

Just for the record, we have exceptionally high engagement with this blog. We average an open rate of over 30% and nearly 10% click through rate. This is more than double the industry standard, so I know you are reading these posts and regularly engaging in the content.

I appreciate your partnership. I will keep writing on what it means to live and lead as a faithful steward as long as you continue to open and read these blogs. I am trusting God to bless you by the words He gives me for these posts. I would love to hear from you how God is using these blogs to encourage and challenge you in your walk with Him. Please feel free to send me your thoughts and views on what I write.

Today I want to do something I should have done more consistently over the past three years. I want to warmly invite you to partner with us in other ways that can have a real impact on our ministry. As a cherished partner, I would like to invite you to come as close to our work as God leads. I produced this short, 2.5-minute video to make this invitation personally.

As you continue to grow as a faithful, joyful steward, I invite you to pray about how God might have you engage with us. Here are three invitations for you to take to the Lord in prayer.

  1. I invite you to share these blogs with others who may be inspired and challenged by them.
    Please help us expand the reach of The Steward’s Journey by forwarding blogs to colleagues, friends and family.
  2. I invite you to join my daily inspirational text message group.
    Just text stewards1 to 41411 and follow the prompts to receive a short message six days a week.
  3. I invite you to support us financially.
    Please follow the link below to become a financial partner through a single or monthly gift.

These are some of the ways you can partner with us beyond your blog subscription. We will be praying for you as you take these opportunities to God in prayer. I also invite you to pray regularly for The Steward’s Journey. I will start adding a short list of prayer items to the end of my blogs for those of you who feel led to pray for us.

Our world needs to see and hear the Gospel message more each day, and I believe God is raising up stewards and steward leaders for such a time as this. I would be privileged to think that God might lead you to journey with us in one or more of these ways. I look forward to hearing from you.

Blessings and Deep Peace!

Prayer Requests:

  • Please pray for us as we develop our strategy to equip and coach 516 Christian leaders nationally through our Becoming a Steward Leader Experience
  • Please pray for ministry partners to continue to support our work generously
  • Please pray for wisdom as we seek to make good decisions regarding our goals for 2018

Dr. Scott Rodin    

Dr. Rodin is the Founder and Content Expert of the Center for Steward Leader Studies. He also serves as President of Kingdom Life Publishing and Rodin Consulting Inc.

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