How Great Indeed!

Trying to write a blog post for Holy Week reminds me how difficult it is for pastors to write Easter sermons. There is so much to say, so many themes to address and so little space and time. I am always overcome by Holy Week. Lent prepares us for the journey to the cross. Palm Sunday reminds us of both the majesty of Christ and the fickleness of human adoration; five Hallelujahs turn into cries for crucifixion. On Maundy Thursday Jesus gives us his body and blood as a timeless sacrament and on Good Friday He gives us Himself as the ultimate act of atoning love. Between Friday and Sunday Jesus descends into hell and proclaims His victory over evil and death. All this and more packed into six short days.
The temptation is to try to say too much, so I’m going to err on the other side. If there is one statement that this Holy Week should elicit from our hearts and lips, it is this, “My God, How Great Thou Art!” This week is all about God’s greatness; great in humility, great in obedience, great in surrender, great in love, great in sacrifice, great in compassion, great in victory over death and great in triumph over evil. God on trial, God tied to a whipping post, God mocked and beat and spat upon. God on a cross, God in a grave, God in hell. All for us! My God, How Great Thou Art!
My Holy Week gift is this amazing duet by Vince Gill and Carrie Underwood. Whether you’ve seen it before or this is the first time, put this on full screen, silence your cell phone, turn up the speakers and prepare to worship and weep and wonder again through this powerful moment of pure praise to our great, great God.
Be blessed!
How Great Thou Art – Carrie Underwood & Vince Gill