Seven-Day Distraction Fast-Day #7

By Dr. Scott Rodin    

Preparing to re-enter a world of noise

Congratulations, you’re on the last day of our Distraction Fast. If this had been a food fast you would be feeling lighter, less tempted by poor food choices, food would taste great and you’d be sleeping better.

How are you feeling at the end of this seven day distraction fast? My prayer is that you are feeling spiritually lighter, freer and closer to God. I pray you are less tempted by the things that routinely distracted you just one week ago. I pray your prayer life is sweeter, your devotion time meatier and your appreciation for God’s goodness richer and more satisfying. And finally, I pray you found a new sense of peace for your soul during these seven days.

Now that you are near the end of the fast, how will you break it? Are there some former distractions you will ease back into but perhaps at a reduced level? Are there some you will now try to avoid altogether? How will the Spirit guide you as re-enter the noise of the world?

Finally, what ONE thing did you learn that will have the greatest impact on your life going forward. Please write and share that with me. I will post responses for everyone’s benefit.

Thanks for walking through this fast with me. May it continue to bless you as you walk more closely with your Savior.

Dr. Scott Rodin    

Dr. Rodin is the Founder and Content Expert of the Center for Steward Leader Studies. He also serves as President of Kingdom Life Publishing and Rodin Consulting Inc.

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