The Steward Leader Initiative

Despite nearly 100 years of study, research, education and training in leadership, we are facing a global leadership crisis.

TSJ-aboutpicFollowers of Christ who are called into positions of leadership are struggling to provide the leadership necessary to impact the world for Christ. This is happening in the church and para-church, and every sector of society and culture where Christians serve in leadership positions. In the face of this crisis, we believe God has provided us with a renewed understanding of leadership that can change the global face of how Christians lead.

The theology and practice of the steward leader is uniquely biblical and profoundly effective. We believe it has been developed for such a time as this. Its distinctiveness is found in its highly relational, comprehensive approach and its primary features of freedom, faithfulness, transformation, and joy. Simply put, steward leaders have been set free to steward the people they lead and the organizations they serve with an unprecedented degree of humility and excellence.

Our vision for the Steward Leader Initiative is that every follower of Christ who is called to lead will experience the freedom of the steward leader.

The mission of the Steward Leader Initiative is to impact the world for Christ by inspiring and equipping faithful steward leaders wherever God’s people are called to lead.

The mission has two primary components: researching and resourcing.


The Initiative will produce a world-class body of research that will include extensive use of social media and feature a major book based on interviews with 50 prominent Christian leaders, commissioned research and writing by leading scholars and practitioners, and the participation and input from thought leaders worldwide. The goal is for this formidable research to develop and define the baseline of steward leader theology and praxis that will characterize the global movement.


From this research we will produce state-of-the-art resources designed to equip and encourage steward leaders. These will include interactive training resources, cohort and on-line learning opportunities, business and youth leadership curricula and a comprehensive steward leader development program. These resources will be culturally contextualized to serve and challenge Christians in every arena. Specifically we believe this Initiative will impact leadership for the church and for the not-for-profit world, as well as for business, government, military, education and beyond. The goal is to inspire and equip an entire generation of steward leaders who will impact the world for Christ.

Summit Papers & Presentations

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In submission to the leading and the Holy Spirit, we envision that in three years the Steward Leader Initiative will serve the kingdom of God by providing:

  • Partnerships, research, curriculum and resources that establish the Steward Leader as the predominant paradigm for teaching and preparing Christian leaders;
  • Training, mentoring and practical resources that impact the faithfulness and effectiveness of tens of thousands of Christian leaders world-wide;
  • A network of global Christian leaders that promotes and supports the ongoing development of the theology and praxis of the Steward Leader, ensuring that it remains relevant, contextual and efficacious for the generations to come;
  • A strategy and resources that are successful in equipping a new generation of Christian leaders who seek to be countercultural, courageous and faithful;
  • Powerful tools that are used every day in the spiritual battle Christian leaders face as they strive to lead with integrity, faithfulness, effectiveness, courage and humility.

Become a member of the TSJ community to stay in touch with the process of the SLI launch!