Stewards of the Gospel in the Age of Nones

By Dr. Scott Rodin    

Easter Sunday 2019 was a day of contrasts. Millions across our country attended Easter services to celebrate the risen Lord. For us it was the high, holy day of the year. Yet for a growing number of our fellow Americans, this was just another Sunday, and the story of the empty tomb was the furthest thing from their minds, and hearts.

As we enjoy the afterglow of resurrection joy, a new study from the 2018 General Social Survey paints a picture of a rapidly changing landscape of American faith.[1] The report states that for the first time in our nation’s history there are as many people who claim no religious affiliation as there are evangelical Christians – 23% for each. And in the next five years, ‘nones’ will become the largest % of our nation’s population.

Another study in April by the Pew Research Center predicted that when ‘nones’ reach 26% it will make America one of the countries with the largest non-religious populations in the world.[2]

In 1 Peter 4:10, Peter admonishes us, “Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.” Given the latest polls, if there was ever a time to be stewards of God’s grace, it is now.

Just how do we steward God’s grace? Consider these characteristics of grace:

  1. It is unmerited, no one earns it or is entitled to it
  2. It is unlimited, it never runs out but is always enough
  3. It is free, but it is not cheap, it is grace that sends us to our knees in repentance
  4. It comes packaged with truth, they are inseparable
  5. It always points back to Jesus

Is this the grace experienced by nones when they encounter followers of Jesus like you and me? Do we use our gifts to steward God’s grace to them in its various forms? This may be THE question for followers of Jesus in our time. So, let me ask you:

  • Do you see God’s grace as a blessing that is meant to flow through you to others?
  • Do you know how God has gifted you to serve others as a conduit of that grace?
  • Do you know any nones? If so, how might you steward God’s grace to them? If not, how can you become more available to an unbelieving world?

This is our moment, the exact time God chose to give us life and purpose as Easter people. Write to me and tell me what it means to you to steward God’s grace. Let’s learn from each other how we can engage with passion this high calling on behalf of a broken world.



Dr. Scott Rodin    

Dr. Rodin is the Founder and Content Expert of the Center for Steward Leader Studies. He also serves as President of Kingdom Life Publishing and Rodin Consulting Inc.

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