The Fourth of Seven Victories of the Generous Spirit

By Dr. Scott Rodin    

sevenvicgtoriesembedA few years ago a friend introduced me to a revolutionary idea. In our battle against the enemy, one of our greatest weapons is generosity. You may have never considered generosity as a weapon against the enemy. Neither had I. Here is the fourth of the seven victories that we win every time we perform an act of giving that flows from a generous, Christ-centered spirit.

Victory #4 – I’ve been Set Free to Give with Joy

There are a great number of Christians who give regularly, and some who even give sacrificially, but precious few who do so with great joy. Some have been trained to believe that it is their duty and obligation to give. Others give out of a misconception of the Old Testament concept of the tithe and give mostly out of guilt as a result. Some give out of a sense of gratitude, which can just be the other side of the coin from guilt, “God has given you so much, shouldn’t you be grateful and give something back?”

There are a lot of motivations in the church for people to give, but Jesus lifted up one for special attention – joy. Imagine if taking the offering was a highly anticipated, joyful and meaningful moment in every worship service. That would require the transformation of people’s hearts and the cultivation of a generous spirit. When that happens, when we give with absolute joy, we render the enemy impotent in so many ways regarding money, pride, power and praise. Pray for that spirit that you may be filled with the joy of the Lord in every expression of obedient generosity.

What kind of life do you want for yourself? Do you recognize the chains that keep you in bondage, that rob you of the life God created you to live, that stress you out and wear you down? Are you listening to the lies of the enemy regarding money, possessions, power, pride and praise? Most importantly, do you want to be free?

The loving God who created you has an amazing vision for your life, and it includes a heart of a faithful steward that is opened up to the world through Christ-centered generosity. I pray that you will embrace that life today. It begins with a simple but profound affirmation, “It’s All His.” To God be the glory

Dr. Scott Rodin    

Dr. Rodin is the Founder and Content Expert of the Center for Steward Leader Studies. He also serves as President of Kingdom Life Publishing and Rodin Consulting Inc.

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