Unlock the Life God Created You to Live

By Dr. Scott Rodin    

Make Your New Year a Journey of Freedom and Joy

journeys end

Perhaps the election season has you longing for life after November 8th. Many of us can sympathize with the placard I saw yesterday, “Just wake me when it’s over.” Be of good cheer, there are only 8 ½ weeks until Christmas! Beyond that, we will be waking up to a fresh new year in less than ten weeks. Why am I pointing us to January 1st when we haven’t yet put out the Halloween candy?

I believe as a nation, and certainly as the body of Christ, we are yearning for a future that holds the promise of something better than what we have experienced in 2016. We are facing an unprecedented level of brokenness and division globally, nationally, locally and perhaps even personally. Many are wondering where it will lead, and most of us are searching for reasons to look forward to 2017 with real hope.

To that end, I am writing to invite you to spend the first fifty days of 2017 on a journey of discovery. I have created an online devotional experience called The Fifty Day Journey to Freedom. It is an interactive learning process that combines video presentations, readings, daily meditations and reflection questions. It culminates in the creation of your personalized Steward of Life Plan. This is a practical set of commitments that will guide you through 2017 as you seek to know the real joy that God has for you as a faithful and free steward of all of life.

This experiential study invites you into a process of laying aside the chains that burden you and embracing the freedom and joy you have as a faithful steward of life in every dimension. These are real chains we all carry that lead to fear, anxiety, stress, anger, burnout, discouragement and despair. These chains rob us of the life God created us to live.

I am inviting you to claim 2017 as your year of freedom. Make this the year you experience the fullness of God’s intent for your life – the life of a joyful and faithful steward who has been set free to live!

My prayer is that this study will encourage, challenge and equip you live the new year as never before. I have been blessed to see this content impact thousands of people across four continents. I am very excited to invite you to join the journey and experience it for yourself.

Here are a few quick highlights of what you will discover:

  • The difference between one-kingdom and two-kingdom living
  • How to overcome stagnancy and rediscover deeper intimacy with God
  • How to find balance in your identity that will keep you focused on Jesus
  • How to stop letting ‘your work for God’ rob you of experiencing God’s work in you
  • How to truly love your neighbor as yourself
  • How to embrace your call to care for God’s creation as His faithful steward

I want to encourage you today to reserve your place in our January 2017 class and start the new year walking this 50-day journey for yourself. You may want to do this as a husband and wife team. You may want to do it as a family or involve a small group or home Bible study group. Pastors, this is a powerful way for your congregation to start the new year.

Whether on your own or as a couple, family, group or entire congregation, decide today to reserve your spot for January 1st. Please note, you can start on any day you wish, and you do not need to finish the study in 50 days. If you want to take longer, pause and think more deeply in some sections, or if your schedule will require you to spread this out over more time, the course is completely adjustable to your schedule. I am just suggesting that a January 1st start is a meaningful way to begin your new year.

To reserve your place simply click the button that applies to you and register today.




The cost is only $39.99, and there are group discounts for 5 or more participants.

I look forward to walking this journey with you as we face the new year with confidence and hope, believing that “hope does not disappoint because the love of God has been poured out within our hearts through the Holy Spirit.” Romans 5:5

See you in January!

Dr. Scott Rodin    

Dr. Rodin is the Founder and Content Expert of the Center for Steward Leader Studies. He also serves as President of Kingdom Life Publishing and Rodin Consulting Inc.

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