Will You Take This Journey With Me?

By Dr. Scott Rodin    

Scott Rodin talks about why he wrote The Four Gifts of the King

For the past four years I have been writing this weekly blog with the prayer that some thought or insight might encourage and inspire you on your journey with Christ. I hope your continued subscription and reading of these blogs is an indication that somewhere along the way you have been blessed.

For the past eight years I have been on my own quest to create a winsome, accessible and inspiring on-ramp for believers and nonbelievers alike to find their way to the King. It has culminated in a fictional work that embodies the main themes I’ve been working out over my twenty years of thinking, writing and speaking about the journey of the faithful steward.

And so, I’m excited to share that this week the novel, The Four Gifts of the King is being released nationally through my publisher, Morgan James Publishing.

Given your partnership with me through this blog over these past four years, I’m writing this special blog post to ask if you will take this journey with me and find yourself in the pages of The Four Gifts of the King. I’d love for you to read it and be open to how God might speak to you in these stories. I’d love your feedback on how God worked in you as you encountered each of the four lands, and saw life through the lens of the four children of Sam Roberts. And I hope this book to be a resource for you to share with friends and family who are both believers and seekers.

My deep desire is that this book will be used by God to bless and encourage you in your walk with Him. Writing a novel is a deeply intense personal journey, and now as others are reading it I am realizing the joy of having fellow travelers walking with me through this saga that has been a part of my life for the last eight years.

Will you take this journey with me? I’ve inserted a short video that explains my heart and why I wrote this book. If you’re looking for some holiday reading, special Christmas gifts, or an opportunity to go deeper in your walk with Christ, I hope you’ll join me on this journey and discover for yourself the Deep Peace of the King.

Dr. Scott Rodin    

Dr. Rodin is the Founder and Content Expert of the Center for Steward Leader Studies. He also serves as President of Kingdom Life Publishing and Rodin Consulting Inc.

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