Enough – Five Closing Thoughts

By Dr. Scott Rodin    

Over the past six weeks we’ve been considering the audacious idea that in a world fixated on always wanting and chasing after more, our abundant God has given us all we need. In a discontented world, we have enough.

Enough of what? Enough of everything we need to live the full and satisfied life Jesus promised when he said, “I came that you might have life, and have it abundantly.” (John 10:10b) Our key text has been Psalm 23. Considering this text, here are five closing thoughts as we wrap up this series.

1. We only have enough if God is enough

The Psalmist proclaims that because the Lord is our shepherd, we have everything we need. It is only when we think less of God that we experience less of what He has for us. And if God is not enough, nothing else in life ever will be. However, if He is truly the Lord of all of life, He will always be enough. The God who created us and loves us also supplies all we need to live the abundant life He wants for us. It is in this Lord that we have enough; the sovereign, almighty, gracious and loving God who has called us to Himself so that, as our shepherd, He can be our full supply. 

2. We only have enough if God defines what is enough

We live in a world that screams ‘want, need and discontentment’ at us through every media to which we attune our eyes and ears. When we listen, we get pulled into an insatiable desire to have what the world tells us is needed for happiness. God knows better, and if we will let Him define our need, He will always fulfill it. He defines ‘enough’ by engendering in us a heart of contentment in His presence and a spirit of gratitude and praise. According to Psalm 23, God’s definition of enough is laying down in green pastures, residing beside still waters, and letting our good Shepherd restore our soul.

3. We only have enough if we define our success in kingdom terms

We said earlier that how we define success will drive everything we do. Our choice is to allow the culture to define success for us, or to anchor our definition in the life God created us to live. That means measuring success in kingdom terms; success according to God’s intentions, success as faithfulness. The Psalmist says it clearly, “He leads me along paths of righteousness for His name’s sake.” What could be a better definition of success than following His leading on the journey of a righteous life for His glory?

4. We only have enough if we live with an attitude of abundance

The choice of scarcity or abundance is a defining decision in the life of a follower of Jesus. In scarcity, we never have enough. Challenges overwhelms us, fears overtake us and negative thoughts overshadow us. When God is enough, however, we can face the world with confidence and peace. Psalm 23 all but shouts thus truth, “Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil, for you are with me, your rod and your staff, they comfort me. You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies. You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows.” Abundance in the darkest valleys, an overflowing cup in the very midst of life’s greatest challenges – that is the life of a follower of Jesus whose God is enough.

5. We only have enough if our hope is in the coming of the kingdom of God 

Finally, this life of contentment in Christ generates in us an inextinguishable hope. Listen to the Psalmist as he ends this beautiful text, “Surely your goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the Lord  forever.” Can there be a sweeter hope in the heart of a believer? When God is enough, we are assured of His goodness and love in rich supply. We are certain of His abundant provision in the measure that is right for us. And we are confident in a future of fellowship with Him in His house forever.

May God grant us such a contented heart for His service and His glory. I will leave you with a reminder of the prayer I encouraged you to pray as God nurtures in you the heart of contented follower of Jesus.

“Lord, thank you for giving me enough time to accomplish everything you ask me to do. Help me to steward every minute wisely.

Lord, thank you for giving me enough financial resources to meet my needs. Help me to steward them faithfully.

Lord, thank you for giving me enough health and energy to carry out the work to which you have called me. Help me to steward them joyfully.

Lord, thank you for giving me enough love and affirmation to satisfy my spirit. Help me to treasure it daily.

Lord, thank you for giving me enough rest in you to refresh my soul. Let it wash over me until my heart is content in you.”

Dr. Scott Rodin    

Dr. Rodin is the Founder and Content Expert of the Center for Steward Leader Studies. He also serves as President of Kingdom Life Publishing and Rodin Consulting Inc.

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